We are kind & kickass brand-advocates on a mission to make a difference in the world. There are other consultancies with experience in healthcare. None offer our expertise & creativity within the specialised arena of emotional & mental health, trauma & interconnected wellbeing. Mint people make a difference. We are steeped in a culture of care & compassion combining dynamic ideas & future thinking.  

Our work reflects our values. The world is ever more challenging yet, at Mint, we remain fearlessly hopeful that healing & greater peace are possible. We know that individual lives affect the whole, we cannot heal our world until we heal ourselves. We are necessarily purposeful & passionate about helping to promote & propagate that which improves personal lives. We understand how to use the power of brand & inspired action to create business transformation & social change.  

We want what you want. For a cause to become a movement. To change beliefs & behaviours. To create a better & calmer world. Truth needs a voice. We’re here to share & amplify yours.

meet the team